Student Support
Inclusion Support
Catholic Education is based on the belief that every child is a unique creation of God and is made in the image of God.
St John’s Catholic College upholds the belief that all students, irrespective of ability, have the right to attend the local Catholic parish school, to be educated with their peers, and accepted as unique individuals blessed with gifts that will enrich the whole community.
St John’s endeavours to provide educational programs of quality that are adjusted for students with inclusive needs.
Students with inclusive needs are supported by our Inclusion Support Coordinator, our team of Inclusion Support Assistants and the Inclusion Support Team based at the Catholic Education Office.
Aboriginal & Islander Education Workers (AIEWs)
Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers (AIEWs) support the College and Aboriginal and Islander students and families in:
- Building Aboriginal and Islander Culture
- Gathering the Aboriginal and Islander Community
- Providing Aboriginal and Islander students academic opportunities
- Curriculum planning of Aboriginal and Islander perspectives
- Aboriginal and Islander Wellbeing
- Engaging Aboriginal and Islander students in Learning
Learning Nest
The Learning Nest is an after school homework centre to further support and extend students in achieving academic success. It is staffed by tutors who are recent graduates of St John’s and have achieved academic success.
Students in Years 7-12 are able to access the Learning Nest five days a week for support with homework, study and assessment items at no additional cost to families.
The Learning Nest is held in our LOTE Centre Monday to Friday from 3:30 - 5:00pm.
Health Centre
The College operates a Health Centre staffed by a Registered Nurse and an Administration Officer. The Health Centre supports the health and wellbeing of all students, through:
- Sick Bay / First Aid (all students)
- Health Promotion (all students)
- Immunisation Program (all students - with parent/guardian consent)
- Managing Medication at School (all students)
- Catholic Care Counsellor (2 days per week) (all students)
- Health Screening (boarding students)
- Access to external health services (boarding students)